What Are the Familiar Dental Problems in Children?

October 1, 2022

Children’s dental problems are not dissimilar to adults. However, children’s developing teeth are more susceptible to developing dental problems. If left untreated by neglecting frequent visits to the dentist near me, the issues can result in poor oral health and misaligned teeth.

Remain on top of your child’s dental health by understanding the common dental problems in children and the best methods to prevent them.

Common Types of Dental Issues in Children


Cavities are the most chronic dental issue in children because of their affinity to sugary foods, frequent snacking, and lack of proper dental hygiene routines. Approximately 20 percent between five and 11 have at least one cavity mentions the centers for disease control and prevention.

When bacteria buildup in children’s teeth as dental plaque, it eventually erodes the tooth enamel resulting in cavities. Fortunately, tooth decay is entirely preventable with brushing and flossing and giving children a nutritious diet by limiting their sugar and carbohydrate intake and supervising their brushing and flossing.

Bad Breath

Everyone has bad breath occasionally. However, if bad breath affects your child is likely a more profound issue because it results from a buildup of bacteria in the mouth feeding over leftover food particles and plaque and emitting foul hydrogen sulfide. Halitosis has various reasons, including xerostomia, digestive issues, improper oral hygiene, and medications. The optimal way to prevent lousy odor is to practice proper dental hygiene and schedule teeth cleanings every six months from the dentist in Wyoming.

Sensitive Teeth

Your child might have sensitive teeth if they experience discomfort from hot and cold foods or air. However, tooth sensitivity doesn’t just affect adults or the elderly. Children can also experience sensitivity because their tooth enamel is thinner. The thinner enamel erodes faster from dental plaque. To correct the issue, children’s dentists recommend fluoride treatments to strengthen tooth enamel in sensitive teeth. They also suggest using a soft-bristled toothbrush to ensure children do not aggressively brush their teeth to cause enamel erosion.

Dental Sealants

Brushing and flossing are excellent solutions to prevent cavities on teeth. Unfortunately, reaching all areas of the mouth, especially the molars, is challenging not just for children but also for adults. To combat this specific issue, children’s dentistry in Gillette, WY, recommends dental sealants on their molars soon after they wrap at six, 12, and 18. The sealants create a smoother surface over the molars to prevent food particles from remaining trapped in them to erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. Evidence proves that children with dental sealants are three times less likely to develop tooth decay or holes on their molars to enjoy better dental health.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb and finger sucking appear harmless during the initial stages of the child’s growth. However, if the practice continues beyond age five, it can harm the child’s oral development. In addition, the practice can damage the baby and permanent teeth to result in misalignment that requires orthodontic treatment later, causing problems with speech and other dental issues. If your child is accustomed to this habit, discuss with the Wyoming children’s dentist methods to curb the practice.

Gum Disease

Children can also develop gum disease from excess dental plaque remaining on their teeth. Gum disease also occurs from misaligned teeth, resulting in inflamed gums, eventually leading to bone loss. Gum disease also results in gum recession and bleeding from the gums, especially when flossing.

How Do Dentists Help in Getting Rid of These Issues?

The problems mentioned are all preventable by maintaining excellent dental hygiene practices and avoiding harmful foods that generally contribute to these conditions. In addition, pediatric dentists receive the training to manage children’s dental problems with developing and permanent teeth.

If you take your child for regular dental checkups with the Wyoming dentist, the professional will likely suggest that you keep a close watch on your child’s diet and oral hygiene practices supervising them until eight years to prevent dental problems.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children get six monthly dental cleanings similar to adults to prevent infections in their mouths besides enabling the children’s dentist to detect abnormalities with their teeth and jaw and intervene with therapies that help prevent intensive treatments later.

Children’s dentists can deal with every dental issue affecting your child and accomplish the task by educating them on good dental hygiene habits that remain with them for life to benefit their dental and overall health.

If you are the parent of a newborn, you must start taking your kid to Mountain West Dental from age one or soon after their first tooth erupts. The dental practice helps you prevent the common problems with children’s teeth to help your kid enjoy a beautiful smile besides optimal dental health.

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